

This is a brief overview of yet unresolved issues and new feature requests considered for future updates or currently being worked on. Before submitting new bug reports or feature suggestions, please have a look here to see if the problem is already known.

Only selected items are listed here, most of which originated from public discussion or individual user feedback. If you can't find a certain item, that doesn't mean it's not on our internal list. A priority assignment "Low" doesn't imply we do not value that item. It just means there are other items that need to be fixed first. In order for us to stay focussed and avoid distractions, please understand that we can not make our entire agenda public. Plans for future products are not published either.

The full history of already completed items can be found here: Changelog of Synfire Pro, and here: Changelog of Harmony Navigator.

This page was last updated CET.

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